Wednesday, August 27, 2008

wednesday 27 august

yesterday we went to a big big big big big big mall. we got to go on the bus. it took a wee while to track down...
it has been very very sunny and warm. we have enjoyed playing at the beach and yesterday we had lunch there!


Anonymous said...

Hi Kayli

We miss you heaps. Daisy came to school today - she had a great time taking all the children for a walk! We also made butter - lots of shaking up and down!

Love from Miss P :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Kayli

I am missing you soooooooooooooo much Daisy came to school today and I got to take him for 3 walks!! Tommorrow Miss P is brining Poppy to school. Had lunch at beach or mall??

Talk to you soon

Anonymous said...

Hi Kayli

Yesterday we had Mrs Leary`s writing test, Arghhhhhhhhhhhhh! Writing class was so cool, you can`t wait till you get back. Alice, Jessica, Farren, Lydia, Brodie and me. We wachted a movie which is at the start of Monsters Inc. [Really funny!]

Got to get going for school [boring!]

Love from,
Eden BYE!!!

Anonymous said...

kayli you got a distiction in the australasian writing tes from dom v