Monday, August 25, 2008

Fun in Adelaide

Arrived safely, having a fabulous time in Adelaide.

Yesterday we went to church, Mt Lofty and Stirling market.
We went to see Daddy's friend and there were kids there. We went on a little walk that led us to adventure as some of the rocks that we were standing on and were supporting our weight were quite likely to fall.
Thankfully nobody got hurt.
It was fun.

We are staying at a house very close to the beach.


Anonymous said...

Hi Kayli!!

Geuss Who?

I`m in Miss P`s class,
I`ve got dark brown hair,


In social studys we have sarted a topic CHANGE. Maggie has been sick from school and i`m going to ring her, becuase her mum was due to have a baby boy on saturday the 23rd last week.


Kayli Anne said...

nice to hear from you Eden. Does Maggie have a new baby brother?

Anonymous said...

Dear Kayli

Sorry for inconvenience, Maggie`s mum has not had the baby. Turns out they didn`t know when the baby was due.

Love from,
Eden BYE!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kayli Anne It"s auction night tomorrow night. Hope your'e having
a brilliant time in adelaide We did mrs learys writing test today
It was Quite hard we had to write about our mums \.
From Dom v

Anonymous said...

GUESS WHAT maggies mum had a baby boy and named it shorn maggie was staying at edens for 3 days maggie said she is going to see shorn the baby on the 20th saturday today . AND!!!!!!!! my mum is pergenant we are not sure if it is girl or boy.
hope you are enjoying Australia.
